90 Day Diet Challenge

What is the 90 Day Diet Challenge? The secret is mainly based on the principle called food separation. While you are on such diet, or a regime, you can actually consume all the needed nutrients for your body such as meat, carbs, sweets, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, fats, as well as pasta. Practically, as you can see, you can eat anything. The only thing you should pay attention to is how to consume them. You should follow a strict diet plan and keep the rules in terms of how to consume the food as a whole.


Protein’s day

You can combine them with non-starchy veggies such as cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage, red and green peppers, red beet, turnip, cauliflower. You can eat a few slices of whole bread.

Starch’s day

You can add more colours to your diet – you can eat any type of veggies plus a whole weed bread. You can also add some salt and ingredients so as to make your meals delicious as hell. Keep in mind that your body needs some ingredients as well as salt and moderation.

Carbohydrate’s day

Anything that has sweet and salty flavour is good for your carb day.

Fruit’s day

You can eat any fruit group but you already know that you should not eat them at one and the same time. You should consume fresh and dried fruits but you should pay attention to the fruit sugar in the dried ones. You can also eat fruit juice, compotes. During the fourth day of your diet you can finally eat seeds, nuts in case you feel like eating only fruits, is not enough for your body. You still remember that you should not mix the fruits.

Water’s day (after each 28 days)

You should drink only water during that day.

Eating cycles

Our day is divided into 3 cycles of 8 hours – the digestion, purification and eating. The digestion cycle takes place at night (8 pm to 4am), so at that time we do not eat and do not drink. It follows a purification cycle (4am to 12am), in which we consume fruit and vegetable meals and drink as much as possible water (at least 2 litres a day) or unsweetened tea. Eating cycle (12am to 8 pm) includes lunch and dinner, being 4 hours apart.

Let’s do that together, will you join me at One More Attempt to lose 10 kilos.


  1. Lynne
    February 12, 2017 @ 10:58 pm

    Hello, This is an interesting concept! What will happen to this diet if I do not do the water day? I am always hungry and get really spacy, grumpy and weak if I do not eat and I eat snacks a couple of times a day if I really feel hungry. I try to use only healthy snacks such as nuts or plain yogurt, sweetened with honey. Adding a hemp, digestive mix that has pumpkin in it is my latest addition to this snack. It really stays with me.



  2. Popeye
    March 12, 2017 @ 8:29 am


    if you strictly follow the diet for 28 days I am sure there will be no problem if you skip the water day!

    Check my new post, I will start on March 14!


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